
Showing posts from March, 2022


 This post is for anyone who has passed the warm, bubbly, tingly feeling stage and they’re trying hard to figure out if they’re still in love or struggling to stay in love. I don’t know how it is at your end tho but keep reading. Apparently, everyone has experienced this or if you’re just joining the lovey dovey stage, this is to let you know that love will fade away and it’s either you fade along or you re ignite your love. I read a book titled things I wish I’d known before getting married, though this post is not for married people as I’m not married yet and I have no idea about it but it’s for people who are struggling to remain in love.  In the book, it is said that being in love is an emotional and obsessive feeling. However, emotions change and obsession fades. Research indicates that the average life span of “in love” obsessions is two years, two years guys ! Some might last a little bit longer and some might not be up to that but the average is two years. We have people who st


 Since I’ve published my third story/article, I’ve been meaning to write again but do I have what I want to write about? The answer is no. While coming from Ibadan to Abeokuta this morning, I was listening to songs and this song by Selena Gomez came up “Back to you” and while listening to it I remembered my parents and how imperfect they’re so I’m going to write about it. Imperfection! Left to me yeah, there’s nothing wrong I mean absolutely nothing wrong with being imperfect. Asides form the obvious fact that you’re not God, I think once you answer the title “human”, you’re already answering imperfection. You can never be perfect. I know many people are already thinking oh damn, this girl about to lash her parents outside  and stuff but that’s not the case.  In fact, I’m about to make you love yours more. If you’ve read my very first story, you should have known that I started living with my father when I was 7 and I do not have a very deep relationship, though it’s quite alright but


Hey there! I know you are wondering what this is going to be about, maybe you already have an idea or maybe not, please keep reading. I have a quick question for you though, what do you think love is? Do you think love is about pleasure, is it pain, is it sacrifice, is it selflessness, is it having to put other’s first even when it is not convenient? Is love an easy thing for you to do or do you find it really difficult? You know, it makes my heart beats really fast when I hear people say “I love you” and the word love does not reflect in their actions? DO PEOPLE LOVE THESE DAYS? How do we really feel something deep in our heart yet it doesn’t show in our actions? When you tell people you love them, are you not scared you won’t be able to do what you’ve just said? Hmm! Maybe I’m not the one who’s supposed to be writing about love cause all my life, I’ve only loved genuinely two times. Apart from the the love I have for my parents cause obviously they made me love them, I have only love


 Wow guys, i didn’t know my story is kind of captivating to be honest, I am grateful to every single one of you that clicked on my link to read. I’m not sure if you’ve heard about this guy called ASTN, he sings and I’m listening  to a song by him called “leave me before I love you” while I lay in my bed thinking about so many things and I remembered I promise you all part 2.  Do I sound familiar 2 will be about my step mother (the mother that stepped up) and how my mum doubled her own betrayal.   I sincerely do not like to call her my step mother cause she doesn’t really deserve that title, she’s a mother (the one that stepped up). Had to pause this music for a while, it’s getting in my way. Like I stated in do I sound familiar 1, my parents divorce does not have any effect on me. I do not think about it and I’ve never thought  about it. Hmmmm, maybe I lied, I’ve thought about it but trust me, it was out of curiosity. I wanted to know what went wrong sincerely and they’ve not told me t


 Sitting on the couch with a slice of bread in my hand and a bottle of water, I remembered I haven’t posted anything on my blog. I know most of you know me already and we’ve met a couple of times but let me re-introduced myself and because this blog will be about people (real life stories, relationships and other stories), I will go first. My real name is Balqees and that haven’t changed. My forefather’s name is Adewunmi and somehow we inherited that (of-course) but you know, when I was little, I wanted to change my surname to my father’s first name (Tajudeen), used it for about 2 terms in my secondary school and everyone was getting used to it, even my teachers. Damn, I really do not fancy popularity. Adewunmi is a very popular name, if you google my father right away you will see him. For someone who is so popular yet living a very unpopular life, I used to think I’ll go scot free but everywhere I turn to, it’s “are you Imam’s daughter”, it pisses me off. Let me tell you about how I