Wow guys, i didn’t know my story is kind of captivating to be honest, I am grateful to every single one of you that clicked on my link to read. I’m not sure if you’ve heard about this guy called ASTN, he sings and I’m listening  to a song by him called “leave me before I love you” while I lay in my bed thinking about so many things and I remembered I promise you all part 2. 

Do I sound familiar 2 will be about my step mother (the mother that stepped up) and how my mum doubled her own betrayal.  

I sincerely do not like to call her my step mother cause she doesn’t really deserve that title, she’s a mother (the one that stepped up). Had to pause this music for a while, it’s getting in my way.

Like I stated in do I sound familiar 1, my parents divorce does not have any effect on me. I do not think about it and I’ve never thought  about it. Hmmmm, maybe I lied, I’ve thought about it but trust me, it was out of curiosity. I wanted to know what went wrong sincerely and they’ve not told me till this moment (well, I don’t want to know).

Before packing to my father’s house, I recognized my step mother and everyone of my siblings. We are 7 in total, each one of them with their real siblings (a child from their mum) but I am the only child my mum gave my dad (still doesn’t bother me). My dad had brought us up to know and understand that we all are one and we’ve been living with that mindset and nothing has changed. We rarely discriminate among each-other and I know most of you are wondering now……is she really serious? Yes I am serious, but nobody’s gonna know (how will they know?).

At age 7, I sincerely can take good care of my own things. Bathe myself , wash my clothes and do some other things for myself (I didn’t tell you, one of the reasons I insisted on living with my dad was, my mum was at the edge of killing me with chores) judge me if you want, I don’t care, lol but it was helpful. First off, I didn’t really trouble anyone with my self care responsibilities ( I got it).

My step mother (the mother that stepped up) is with no doubt a woman of God. Beautiful melanin queen with an angelic voice. Her calmness from God, encompassed with a lot of affection and beautiful emotions. I know many people have a not too good story to tell about their step mothers but again, I didn’t experience any hardship with her. I am not surprised though cause when God’s light shines all above you, you’re just too pure and nothing will bring hatred towards your heart.

I cannot really remember what life while growing up with her was but as soon as I recognized I was grown enough to understand some basic things, it’s been bliss. Nobody ever believed me when I say she’s not my biological mum cause I’m  way closer to her (than my mum) and it’s such a beautiful mother-daughter relationship.

My mum won’t stop visiting: first off, this woman should let me be, I’m joking. I know it might be hard for her cause her baby girl is no longer with her but I’m fine, sincerely. Can you feel that I was doing alright too? But one thing I never stopped doing was visiting my grandmother and by this time, mum’s in Lagos.

My mum stopped visiting: Heartbreaks are easy to say it’s not painful but when you feel it, Gracious God! It’s hurts. My mum stopped visiting and I felt her absence all of a sudden. What happened ? What’s going on? Why is she not here anymore? I tried reaching her but all she kept saying was, she was busy with work. I started moving away from her. She betraaayyyyyyeeeedddd me! (look at who’s talking about betrayal.

Last year December, my mum told me why she stopped visiting and LMAO, it’s silly. She wanted me to enjoy my new home and mingle well. Did I send her work??? The answer is no. And this was how I slowly was forgetting about my mum, I was waiting for a valid reason why she stopped visiting me. I went a whole year without talking to her (intentionally), I guess I hate the taste of my own medicine so much.

Later on, i dropped my shoulder pad and tried to understand from her own point of view. I do not miss her but I wanted to know why she stopped visiting her only daughter as at then.

My mum has 2 kids now, both boys and I guess those ones in some type of way, met me in their former lives, cause my presence alone makes them scream their lungs out (my mummy, my sister is around!)

My name is Adewunmi Balqees Adeola. Do I sound familiar yet???? 

I was raised in love, with love and by love and if you’ve ever wondered why I’m such a loving person, there you go.

And about this Iyabode issue, can we act like y”ll didn’t see that???


Not the end of my story but let’s save the rest for the best.


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