I don’t know why I can’t insert music in this article to at least wake me up a little bit, I feel like I’m dry (no, not that type of dry. LOL)—well I’m just joking.

Today, I’ll be waking you up a little bit, consider this article as a wake-up post. Let’s set each other straight, face the reality and continue to live with it. You will not find this pleasing but I’m sorry I can’t lie to you.

Let’s start with the standards we set for ourselves: there's nothing wrong with setting standards. I have things that I wish can go this way for me, I dream about it every day and it's something I'm hoping will happen to me but what if it doesn't happen? 

What about the standard-setter; here's a very clear example. If you’re from a poor background or a middle class in this county, I’m very sure you understand the struggle behind it. How it’s extremely inconvenient to live or maybe not to live but to get some basic things such as education. You know how much your parents are pouring in each year to make sure you have a sound one which I can bet is inconvenient but they have a way of making things look convenient. You’re not going to school to want to live in a 3 bedroom flat, you need to manage that one room but don’t you wish to live in a 3 bedroom flat too? Of course, you do but at the moment, it’s impossible. Before you set a standard, you first of all need to be realistic with yourself. Is this feasible?

People have the absolute chance to stay happy with whatever they have no matter how little but they’ve spoilt and ruined it because they have a particular “guide” to which they want to live their “own” life. What is that even supposed to mean (it’s sad).

Sadly, the people you're using their guide to live your own life are not in any way on your level. If you use a movie script to set standards for your relationships, you will continue to live in that dream. It's never going to happen. If you think when you're out in the rain with the opposite gender; you're supposed to kiss while they hold the umbrella up for you, lmao you're finished. It's never going to happen! That was just a movie script wake up, please.

You cannot go around using people’s lifestyles to evaluate yours. You cannot go around using people’s families to evaluate yours, you cannot go around using people's relationships to evaluate yours.

Life is not Hollywood where everything is perfect, life is not Bollywood where everything is based on emotions, life is not Nollywood where the impossible happens frequently but LIFE is what LIFE IS.

It's okay to aim, very okay to want everything that your heart desires, everything good that you see but I want you to always be faithful to yourself. Look within and ask yourself if it's feasible. You will save yourself from unnecessary fear and pressure.

LIFE IS WHAT LIFE IS, learn to live with it. 



  1. Thanks for this article,more bless🤗💗🤩

  2. Life is what life is. No go dey do pass yourself.

    Se botiimo- elewa sapon


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