
Showing posts from April, 2022


I don’t know why I can’t insert music in this article to at least wake me up a little bit, I feel like I’m dry (no, not that type of dry. LOL)—well I’m just joking. Today, I’ll be waking you up a little bit, consider this article as a wake-up post. Let’s set each other straight, face the reality and continue to live with it. You will not find this pleasing but I’m sorry I can’t lie to you. Let’s start with the standards we set for ourselves: there's nothing wrong with setting standards. I have things that I wish can go this way for me, I dream about it every day and it's something I'm hoping will happen to me but what if it doesn't happen?  What about the standard-setter; here's a very clear example. If you’re from a poor background or a middle class in this county, I’m very sure you understand the struggle behind it. How it’s extremely inconvenient to live or maybe not to live but to get some basic things such as education. You know how much your parents are pourin


 “My bf is not here in Nigeria we haven’t met before, each time we are on video call, he always request to talk to my younger sister and they will talk for about 30 minutes.  We had an issue and he blocked me, could you believe he called my sister while I was beside her and they talked for like an hour, twice like that o. After we resolved our conflicts, I asked to stop it. I don’t appreciate you talking to my sis everyday and what he said was a jealous and feeling insecure. We are about parting ways because of that” I know you are eager to read the rest of the story, but this is how it all started. Posting a gist that’s been going on for a while on my WhatsApp status about an employer snatching her employer’s fiancĂ©, this person commented what you just finished reading and it caught my attention. Can I write about this, she gave me a go ahead. The anonymous story owner is a 22 years old Nigerian lady who’s been dating a 46 years old UK based man and they’re about to go their separate